
Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

How It Feels Like Dating One Direction?

Dear Bloggies,

Okay, it might sounds a bit crazy, but have you ever imagine go on a special date with one of One Direction member? or spending quality time just with them, holding their hands, or do couple things for just one day? Tidak perlu bertanya dua kali, pasti saya langsung menjawab YES, YES, YES!! hahahaha....

Siapa yang tidak super duper bahagia ketika mendapatkan kesempatan tersebut walaupun hanya 24 saja. Kapan lagi bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk nge-date dengan anggota boy band yang sudah membius jutaan gadis, mulai dari remaja sampai nenek-nenek (alay...). Terinspirasi dengan salah satu video klip mereka Night Changes yang dirilis akhir tahun lalu. Ben Winston emang kreatif bikin V-klip yang seolah-olah kita nge-date dengan mereka. 

Kalau kalian boleh memilih diantara kelima cowok ini untuk nge-date selama 24 jam, mana yang kalian pilih??

1. Romantic Dinner in Fine Dining Restaurant with Zayn Malik

    Semua wanita pasti mau kali diajakin dinner sama bang Zayn yang super kece. Wajahnya yang campuran Pakistan-India-UK membuat banyak wanita klepek-klepek, apalagi kalau uda senyum..uuwww melting abisss. 
   Just imagine, Zayn picked you up from your home, wearing black suite, flower in his hand. He showed you the different way entering a luxury restaurant, kinda VIP way through the kitchen. During the dinner, he treated you well like a princess. Watching you eat is his happiness and suddenly he hold your hand and say, "thank you for accompany me today, you look beautiful tonight..I love you,". OMG!!! I'll just die directly in that restaurant, (hahaha..kidding). 
    Membayangkan aja udah senyum-senyum, apalagi ketika itu jadi nyata. Meskipun Zayn kini sudah pergi meninggalkan One Direction, tapi tetap saja sosok Zayn Malik menjadi sorotan publik dan bikin wanita histeris.

2. Ice Skating in London with Harry Styles

    Keromantisan anggota yang paling muda ini emang nggak ada yang bisa ngalahin. Harry Sytles dengan senyum manisnya, dan kata-kata romantis yang membuat merinding sekujur tubuh, menjadikan simple date di Ice Skate Ring menjadi 'WAH' dan Unforgettable.
    Imagine, when Harry ask you to go to Ice Skating Ring in London, having a date like normal couple. He tied you skating shoes, and he never let go his hand from yours. He show you silly move and both of you laughed out loud. You don't need to keep up with the Jones, just be yourself. While both of you skating, he's whispering to your ear, "You look gorgeous today Babe, may I have a dance with you right here, right now," and he showed you the most killer smile. (hahahahhaha, melting!!need ambulance!!)
      Meskipun terkesan simple, date ala Harry Styles ini jadi dambaan setiap wanita lho!, simple yet meaningful. Harry selalu tahu bagaimana memperlakukan wanita, tidak jarang banyak wanita yang dibuat tersanjung sama Harry. The Notebook, Nothing hill dan beberapa film serta buku romantis sudah banyak ia 'lahap'. He's the most romantic one among other members.

3. Having Fun in Amusement Park with Liam Payne

    Menghabiskan satu hari di taman hiburan dengan Liam Payne juga menjadi pilihan yang membuat kita tidak bisa berhenti tersenyum. Liam yang terkenal dengan sifat nya yang lebih dewasa dari ke lima member lainnya, membuat ia menjadi pasangan yang pas karena 'ngayomi' banget. Walaupun terlihat dewasa, tapi tidak jarang dia berbuat hal-hal konyol selama kalian dating di taman bermain. 
    Imagine, He asked you to spend one day in amusement park. You guys play lots of game and he win a big teddy bear for you. Not enough with that, he's holding your hand walking and share funny story. In Ferris Wheel, he's holding your hand, show you how beautiful the view is and kiss your forehead saying "Thank you for spending your precious time with me, this moment will be last forever,". (I need CPR Immediately..OMG!! how sweet!!!).
     Simple date seperti ini juga menjadi favorit setiap wanita. Just be yourself, and he simply love you just the way you are.

4. Strolling at the Lake and City Tour with Louis Tomlinson

   Member satu ini terkenal dengan tingkah konyol dan lucu yang membuat semua orang tertawa. Yap, Louis Tomlinson, member tertua yang punya segudang ide konyol yang menghibur. Kita nggak perlu jaim di dekat Louis karena dia lebih suka wanita yang lucu dan sama-sama konyol.
    Imagine, Louis picked you up and he drive you around the city. He bantered with you, teasing each other with funny jokes. He takes you to the nearest lake and spend the rest of the day strolling along the lake side, enjoy the quality time with you. He wrap your waist take you closer to him, and say "You know, I've never feel like this..feel so comfort with you. I love the way you laugh...thank you for being such a great company today," and he kiss your head.
     Aih..aih...langsung deg-deg an setengah mati. Siapa yang tidak suka dipuji, *my cheeks suddenly flush when I type this OMG! hahaha..

5. Homey Date at Niall's Horan Home and Playing Funny Games

   At Last but not least, homey date with Niall Horan in his home is also best choice!. Niall Horan dengan aksen Irish, kelihaian bermain gitar dan matanya yang berwarna green-hazel-(sometimes look blue), menjadi daya tarik tersendiri diantara kelima member lainnya. Niall pun pernah menyatakan bahwa dia tidak keberatan apabila memiliki pasangan dari salah satu fans nya (I still have a chance..duh!). Nge-date di rumah, didepan perapian kalian bermain monopoly, jenga dan dia menyanyikan sebuah lagu untuk kalian, such a perfect date!.
    Imagine, After playing monopoly and jenga, he play his guitar sing a sweet song for you. After sing a beautiful song to you, he ask you you to sit on his lap. His hands wraps yours, and he kiss your hand, "Spending the time at home and sing a song for you is the precious moment in my entire life. Would you mind spending the rest of your life with me??," he smile at you. (OF COURSE!!! I do!!!! hugging him, *eek...its just imagination (O.O))
     Niall Horan, satu-satunya member yang nggak neko-neko alias nggak tatoan. Niall doesn't believe in sex before marriage (how sweet... *cheeks flush). Nicest thing about Niall is that he is generous, honest, and  is a someone who can make you laugh.
Niall sing Marry Me-Train to you (i can't resist him)
So, setelah membaca dan mempertimbangkan, kalian memilih nge-date dengan siapa?diantara kelima cowok super sweet dan ganteng diatas? salah satu! nggak boleh semuanya, hahahaha. Bagaimana dengan saya?? kalau saya pilih nomor 2! yep!! Main ice skating dengan Harry, karena saya suka cowok romantis, jadi saya lebih memilih Harry (I can't resist his killer smile and...of course his makes him gorgeous!).

Meskipun hanya berkhayal, boleh kali ya...nggak ada yang melarang kok :). Hope that dreams come true (hahahaha, even there's only 0,99% chance). Untuk mengobati mimpi dan khayalan, video ini cocok dijadikan mood booster di pagi hari.


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