
Sabtu, 20 April 2013

Traveling Week (Part 3): Pacitan, An Unexpectable Journey

at the "unnamed" beach
Dear Bloggies, 

(fiuuhh…my agenda this past one month made me busy and I had no time to share my story on my blog.. >.< . Finally, I can take a “breath” for a while and give myself time to sit down and relax by sharing on this blog.. ^_^)

Well, last post I wrote about my2nd traveling week to Bali and now I’ll share my last destination on my traveling week. Arrived in Surabaya for 4 days, I had planned that I’ll go to my friend’s house in Pacitan, it’s an Unexpected journey for me, because for the first time I had chance to escaped from my mom (don’t do this at home :p I’m serious).

The plan was just came up in my head, I needed place to relax and beach…makes me relax :) . I always like the sand, the air, and the scenery in the beach, when my feet touch the sand it feels like comfortable and my entire problem blown away from my head. 

I went to Pacitan using public transportation which called “travel”, the journey took 8 hours from Surabaya, it passed through Kediri (my hometown). During the journey (actually only 1-2 hours, the rest I slept, hehe) I talked and share story with my friend, Aidda.

It was tiring journey because the driver of the “travel” was driving so fast ignoring the traffic lamp and also he drive faster on a broken road....geez, felt like my back bone was breaking >.< really. To reach my friend’s house, we have to pass a mountain the road was a little bit creepy at night. 

After we arrived we decided to sleep first before went to the nearest beach and we planed to go to Klayar on the next day. Feel comfortable because no one but us (me and Aidda +his little brother) playing in that beach. We spent almost 2 hours playing there, my jeans got wet and also my face looked tanner than usual (it doesn’t change until now, still tanner then I used to).

The beach was so beautiful, the sound of the wave, the air, everything!!! I always imagine having a small cottage near the beach, and the cottage has big window so I can see how beautiful the beach through my window, forgetting my hectic life in Surabaya.

The next day, we went to Klayar. I read some articles related to that beach, the scenery was breathtaking and it looked more beautiful when I see the beach directly (not from photos). I’m glad and thankful to God for giving me chance to see one of God’s masterpiece :),

Alhamdulillah. Fresh, beautiful, clean, neat and others!! It can’t be describe by words. Some of visitors prefer to stay in nearest small "cafe" (I mean "warung" hehe, there's no word "warung" in englis). 

When I sat for a while in the beach sand, I started thinking about everything that happen in my life, this past 2 years I’ve cried so many times, regretting my life. Well, my life wasn’t suck at all, remember that there were lots of people in the worlds suffering and facing harder problem than mine.

Thanks to my friend Aidda, who always listening me babbling about my miserable life, who always try to cheer me up and show me that there are lots people that can survive and struggle in their life.
2 years from 2011 until now, my life is full of drama (I hate “myself” now; I prefer to be I used to be). But I can’t always blame the situation and everything, I’m getting older now, and I have to learn from my mistake, getting stronger and believe in myself that I can do anything!! I CAN DO IT! And no one can’t stop me.. !!

What I learn is, stop regretting your life, deal with it, because there are lots people out there struggling, facing harder life than yours.

Here’s some pictures that I took during last traveling week this semester.

At Klayar

Aidda and Me

Aidda and his little brother

finding shells

Get tanned skin after play at the beach

From this small road, the beach looks so blue! and breathtaking!

This is signature stone of Klayar

Great waves, isn't it?

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