
Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Traveling Week (Part 2): Bali, A Controversial Journey

Dear Bloggies,
My second destination in this traveling week is in Bali. Actually it was not “the real” holiday because I went there on a purpose with my friends from Information Technology Department from PENS. We stayed in Bali only for 2 days!!Imagine that!! Kind of rush travel really!! The schedule was tight and we had to be on time. We were having an industrial visit in some companies in Bali for the first day, and shopping time for the second day.

I called this journey as a “Controversial”, it wasn’t about the journey but it was the process to make this journey “happen”. First controversial, student in my department did vote to choose the place for the industrial visit; actually my class prefers to choose to go to Jakarta because we could find lots of Industries as our destination; we lose and we have to find any industry in Bali. This voting progress a little bit disappointing, some students did not agree and refuse to join in this journey.

Second controversial, some of students didn’t agree with the price that the travel agent offered. The conflict getting worse when 2 students said that they could bring the cheaper travel agent, at the first time the committee didn’t agree, but they decide to give those students a chance to invite the travel agent so that other students can compare and feel satisfied. That conflict could be cleared and the final decision we use the travel agent that the committees choose.

The committees of this journey decided to divide and choose the representative from each class so it will be easier to arrange. I became the representative from my class, actually I was chosen because the chosen representative before me quit and prefers to help me to call the industries than became a leader. Tiring!! Because I have to find and send many proposals to lots of industries in Surabaya, we already get 2 industries in Bali, because the committee in my department already got 4 industries there. Lots of proposal rejected!! We hadn’t found any industries in Surabaya. We just gave up, because we knew that the we already late to send the proposal, the fact was if we want to have industrial visit we have to send the proposal 6 month before. At least even we had less industry and full of controversy we still enjoy the journey. Cheers ^_^v

Left-Right: Kiky, Watik, Eka, Kyu, Me

Waiting for the bus
On a ferry deck
Left-Right: Eka, Essy, Kiky, Fika
Visiting Coca Cola Amatil-Bali
Me and Kyu
My friend's birthday
Ssssttt....we are going to surprise the birthday boy!! ^_^
SURPRISE!!! Happy birthday Bayukun and Adhe
Pose in in front of Pop Haris Hotel
In Cening ayu, famous with their milky pie
Me , waiting for the lunch :))
Boy squad from CE_A
"Who's got the biggest stomach here?? :p
Meet foreign tourist, Andy in lovina beach
Hotel Room at Pop Haris Hotel

The corner of the hotel room

Unique Toilet

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